Radio Waves & NO2
Do you need more research material to understand how radio waves can affect the global climate?
This section is all research done since the 80's on how radio waves can cause electron precipitation and affect the environment.
This section is all research since the 70's on how electron precipitation can create NO2 one of the leading ozone regulators.
Electrostatic waves from HF to ELF ranges are generated and strong turbulence appears.Fluctuations of electron and ion densities are observed as well as increase oftemperature..
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It is shown that a spatially distributed mode current of whistler waves, oscillating at the modulation frequency of the ground-transmitted powerful HF wave, can be induced in the E-region of the high-latitude ionosphere through the coupling between HF wave-modulated electrojet current and induced density irregularities..
We demonstrate that signals at 28.5 kHz emitted from the Naval (NAU) transmitter in Puerto Rico eectively couple into ionospheric ducts, induced/enhanced by the Arecibo HF heater, and propagate into the conjugate hemisphere as ducted whistlers. Also presented are suspected radar detections of whistler-triggered electron precipitation events.
In 1991 Callis et al. (JGR, 96, 2939, 1991) postulated that varying fluxes of precipitating energetic electrons could form odd nitrogen in the mesosphere which may be transported into the stratosphere during periods of advective descent (late fall, winter, and early spring) and could modify the global balance of odd nitrogen and therefore global ozone.
In this paper we estimate theoretically the effects on nitric oxide concentration during relativistic electron precipitation events.
An assessment is made of the relative contribution of certain classes of energetic particle precipitation to the chemical composition of the middle atmosphere with emphasis placed on the production of odd nitrogen and odd hydrogen species and their subsequent role in the catalytic removal of ozone.
Solar energetic particle events and relativistic electron precipitation events can lead to significant atmospheric production of odd nitrogen (NO, NO2, NO3, HNO4, N2O5, and ClONO2) and odd hydrogen (H, OH, HO2, H2O2). This occurs through ion chemistry initiated by the atmospheric ion pair production associated with these events. Both of these chemical families are important to the global O3 balance [10], and hence to the thermal structure of the middle atmosphere
Man-made phenomena
Many observations of PLHR related emissions have been made. It seems that PLHR can control many more natural emissions than has usually been believed. Recently a cooperation was started with Dr. M. Parrot searching for PLHR-related events in the Freja satellite data which have been recorded simultaneously with our ground-based observations.
Almost every VLF researcher has observed some HF radio broadcasts in their recordings. Usually the phenomenon has been interpreted as due to demodulation by non-linearities in the receiver electronics. Identification of the detected broadcasts was done by an experienced radio amateur. Three different RF receivers were used, spanning the frequency range 30 kHz to 30 MHz; although these could receive all kind of transmissions (CW, SSB, FM, AM, etc.), only AM broadcasts seemed to be detected in the VLF frequency range. A spectrum analyser was used to investigate the power distribution across a broad frequency band (~1-10 Mhz). The available transmitter identifications showed that the distance to the transmitter was often quite long. Only one station at a time has usually been heard, showing that the process is very selective. It is also common that the event shows clear periodicity. Usually demodulated signals seem to favour speech and "classical" music.

There seems to be no correlation with magnetic activity. The observed broadcast in the VLF band is not necessarily the strongest station in the AM band. Periodicity, selectivity and long distances from the transmitters, together with lack of a clear relation to magnetic activity, do not favour the well-known explanation in which ionospheric current is modulated by powerful RF waves causing electron temperature variations. The source, however, cannot be very far in the magnetosphere because no detectable dispersion has so far been recognised. The tendency of the signal to "move" from one orthogonal component to another seems to indicate that it is linearly polarised.

Transmitter   -    Electron Precipitation    -    NO2
  -   Ozone Depletion