It all began one late night with the idea that television might be the cause of global warming. At first I thought it was a silly idea and didn't think I would find anything, but the more I began to look at a graph of global temperature anomalies, the more questions I found and the more the mystery began to grow… 

I googled “global temperature anomalies” and found a graph from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) listing the rise and fall of the global temperature between 1860 – 2000. I noticed features in the temperature graph and checked the history of broadcast to see if there could be a connection. 

  This was the birth of an idea that evolved into the Broadcast Theory of Climate Change.

 I understood that if I didn't look into the possible validity of this discovery and it was true, then I may have been its only hope of reaching the scientific community and the world. I began researching scientific experiments from universities and reports from the government looking into the possibilities of how our radio frequencies could cause this rise in temperature. I knew extensive studies had been done on the effects of radio frequencies on many parts of our ionosphere and that whatever it might be wouldn’t be obvious, but would be hiding in the background. But seeing the possible end result in the temperature graph gave me the upper hand and I knew if there was something to it and I looked hard enough I would find it. Once a list of good possibilities were generated, then I’d refine the list down to a researchable few. 

Once I had traced the path of energy through the plasma physics experiments to electron precipitation, I learned that scientists had already found the mechanism nearly 30 years ago. The Swedish National Space Board and other atmospheric physicists had already raised concerns about satellite observations of ionospheric disturbances over areas of broadcast transmitters particularly in Europe and Asia. They warned about the possible effects it may have on the environment, yet broadcast continues to rise unmonitored and unregulated for these effects. 

Before understanding a more complex perspective on climate change, you have to make it past certain myths and misconceptions about global warming. First of all you have to understand that the Medieval Warm Period was a time of unusually warm weather around 800-1300 AD, during the European Medieval period. Because this time period was warmer than it is today ‘global warming’ may not be as bad as we are be led to believe, but from a purely scientific standpoint that doesn’t mean that we aren’t causing it. After watching Al Gore’s movie it was easy to do a little background check on  the movies concepts and find the infamous ‘hokey stick’ graph as well as numerous reports saying that CO2 couldn’t be the culprit. Some of these reports said the global temperature is not a problem while others said the global temperature is rising and we don’t know why. Looking deeper into the arguments, you might figure big oil companies might support a certain amount of opposition to CO2, but a shear look at the raw data shines insight on this question, finding in the end that CO2 is only a theory with no proof. The small amount of CO2 that is produced by man has never been proven to drive a global greenhouse effect. Sure our pollution production is rising higher than ever, but pollution and a global temperature increase are two entirely different things. And although the rise in CO2 can be only partially explained by anthropogenic (man made) sources, most CO2 is released from evaporating oceans in polar regions and melting ice caps. Ice core samples show that historically, whenever the temperature rises, CO2 rises, so CO2 could be just a symptom and not the cause.

‘correlation does not imply causation’

If CO2 isn’t the cause then what is? Could it be natural? Ozone holes aren’t natural and if you look at the temperature graph, there are unnatural variations such as flat spots on the five year mean which aren’t possible with the flux of natural cycles. So I began to wonder if there was any other way? A way we hadn’t considered that might show us how these theories might be working together to cause the effect we are seeing. When answers didn’t add up, being a persistent researcher, it was time to keep looking. On the path to truth one cannot conclude or dismiss too lightly if you are to find the facts hard enough to solve the question of global climate crisis. 

In what direct ways can we see the climate mechanism being irregularly affected? 

Three of the largest observable irregularities seen in nature are the rising temperature, rising CO2 levels, and the holes in the stratospheric ozone layer. 

Ultimately the global temperature naturally changes and is most closely related to ozone levels. Ozone levels are regulated by NO2 and other ozone destroying chemicals in the atmosphere balancing the UV reactions that create ozone. The ozone layer regulates the amount of solar radiation heating the global oceans and causing evaporation. Water vapor forms clouds that reflect and absorb the suns heat, as well as remain the most abundant source of heat in the global greenhouse effect. The ozone levels have been depleting at about 4% per decade since 1980 and can be attributed to two distinct but related phenomena, the ozone holes over the polar regions and an over all depletion. 

But why?

 The number of ways in which massive ozone depletion occur and can be counted on one hand. The strongest of which are the infamous CFC’s and solar proton events, both of which are on the decline and another lesser known depletion mechanism that’s on the rise called electron precipitation highlighted by R.M. Thorne in 1977's research paper titled, "Influence of Relativistic Electron Precipitation on the Lower Ionosphere and Stratosphere:

Energetic electron precipitation EEP aka Relativistic Electron Precipitation (REP) disrupts the hydrodynamic equilibrium that the ozone layer depends on for its balance.

 This electron precipitation funnels into the polar vortex where it’s effects are indistinguishable from solar proton events which have been known to slash ozone levels up to 70% and repair after about 8 months. Yet where solar proton events are passing, electron precipitation occurs constantly with patterns of variation and cause permanent electron loss. The electron precipitation that is lost to the loss cone of the polar vortex interacts with the lower atmosphere and forms NO/NO2 along with hydrogen ions that form OH, both of which are the most abundant ozone regulators in the atmosphere. 

Scientists believed that electron precipitation was ‘natural’ for a decade until the mid 80’s when experiments were done at the HAARP and EISCAT scientific transmitter facilities in Alaska and Norway. These showed that radio waves perturbed areas of the ionosphere causing plasma waves to propagate along magnetic field lines toward the polar regions, where they cause ion outflows and electron precipitation. These studies show a dramatic increase in REP/EEP which is now commonplace in ionosphere measurements using VLF transmitters. When the handful of scientific transmitters in the world contribute negligibly to the total amount of Radio Frequencies that are put into the atmosphere from man made sources and all of these experiments have been conducted in the thick of radio pollution that has been nonstop since 1909 when broadcast stations first came over the airwaves we can not know what ‘natural’ is. 

Through further research I learned that specific frequencies known as gyrofrequencies are major players in this process. Of these, the cyclotron frequency at 1.45 MHz (which falls in the AM broadcast band) and cyclotron maser 2.45 GHz drive fluctuations in electron precipitation. Our broadcast regulations are based on receiving quality, not the effects of gyrofrequencies on ozone depletion and ion outflow from the ionosphere. FCC’s allocation of radio frequencies doesn’t take this into consideration at all! The foundations of AM radio that go back 70 years have never changed. The FCC has no idea.

From looking at the global temperature graph you can see a differentiation of global heating mechanisms before and after 1909. These effects can be easily distinguished by a rounding of the temperature cycles before 1909 as the sun and nature is always in flux. After 1909 there are parts of the five year mean temperature that level out and maintain, but that isn't possible with the flux of natural cycles and is a perfect example of indirect frequency induced heating. Once the temperature was taken outside of its normal range it became very sensitive to its cause. So the natural sun flux is way below the temperature line and with only a brief appearance in1960 with solar cycle 19, the largest on record. Frequency induced heating looks far more likely to be the cause than carbon dioxide, as this actually can be seen in the temperature graph and appears to follow our use of the cyclotron (gyro) frequency, but both greenhouse gases and our ozone layer are significant players in our complex climate system. 

So what sits before us is the same old scientific taboo of believing what we can see, air pollution, over what we cannot, radio waves. 

In January 2009 the US plans to shut off analog television broadcast and sell the bandwidth to HDTV broadcast and cellular networks. Through experiments at HAARP I learned that broadcast television falls in a frequency band that suppresses electron precipitation. So shutting this off this suppression will unleash vast amounts of unbuffered gyro energy, shifting the northern ozone layer. Although it was warmer in the Medieval Warm Period, we may not be far off if we continue to alter our environment unconsciously. 


This report compiles scientific data going back over 30 years and traces the path of energy from the broadcast transmitter to its effects on ozone depletion through electron precipitation. It takes into consideration the most recent studies with the effects that different frequencies have on electron precipitation and combines the physics of this process with historic broadcast and weather records to show how broadcast frequencies may contribute to the global rise in temperature through ozone depletion and the greenhouse effect. 
This report will also show how broadcast energy may indirectly cause ozone depletion by affecting solar proton events, as broadcast generates density shifts of oxygen ions in the ionosphere and radio frequency heating that go up magnetic field lines toward the sun heating solar protons and changing solar-terrestrial flux tube morphology. Altering the rate of O+ gas flows in the convective zone of the sun forming sunspots which in turn throw ozone depleting energy back at earth.

Introduction & Abstract 
Processing the Path
Research Collection

The research compiled for Broadcast Theory includes scientific documents spanning several fields of research from plasma physics, antenna engineering, FCC technical specs, gravity maps and much more. It was organized for easy reference according to process starting with reports on humans impact on the space plasma environment  and the effects of radio waves on the atmosphere to the history of broadcast. It took three months of in depth intensive research to bring all this information together. Ever since I noticed the possibility that radio could be a factor in global climate change I knew I could not find peace until I had done all that I could to discover it's secrets and get it into the right hands in the most effective way possible. 

Broadcast Theory

Excerpt Swedish National Space Institute  http.//

Intro & Abstract

My Story

Processing the Path of Energy

Path of Energy

Global Temperature Anomalies: Source WMO

Science Daily Fact: 1400 kHZ Gyro frequency http.//

Radio Frequencies and their effect on the Environment

Plasma Physics with the EISCAT HF Ionospheric Heating Facility

Monitoring of the Electromagnetic Fluctuations from Industrial Sources

Ionospheric disturbances generated by different natural processes and by human activity in Earth plasma environment

Highlights page for the above

Swedish Institute of Space Physics :Studies of Electromagnetic Radiation in Space

Highlights page for the above

Atmosphere-Ionosphere Mission

Highlights page for the above

Environmental Impacts of Electromagnetic Fields From Major Technologies - WHO emf/publications/reports/en/env_impact_emf_from_major_elect_tech_foster_repacholi.pdf

Environmental Impact of high power density microwave beams on different atmospheric layers

Phenomena in the ionosphere-magnetosphere system induced by injection of powerful HF radio waves into nightside auroral ionosphere

The geometrical characteristics of HF-Induced plasma wave phenomena

Gyrofrequency Multiples and the Luxembourg effect

Topband: gyro frequency

The 160-Meter Band: An Enigma Shrouded in Mystery

KN4LF 160 Meter Radio Propagation Theory Notes

Modification of the F region by powerful radio waves

Role of the ionosphere in the propagation of geomagnetic pulsations

New electron gyroharmonic effects in HF scatter from pump-excited magnetic field-aligned ionospheric irregularities

Laboratory modeling of nonlinear trapping of Langmuir waves inside a small-scale magnetoplasma irregularity

Artificial optical emissions at HAARP for pump frequencies near the third and second electron gyro-harmonic

An effect of neutral collisions on the excitation threshold of electrostatic ion-cyclotron waves

Electrostatic electron cyclotron waves observed by the plasma wave instrument on board Polar

Theory of the current-driven ion cyclotron instability in the bottomside ionosphere

First results from the Radio Plasma Imager on IMAGE

Observation of topside ionospheric MF/HF radio emission from space

5 ionospheric aplications for LOFAR

The magnetized electron-acoustic instability driven by a warm, field-aligned electron beam

Session F3S - Poster Session: Space and Astrophysical and Astrophysical Plasmas


Highlights page for above

Luxembourg effect on 24 MHz in connection with strong aurora

Experiment Luxembourg: Cross modulation at high lattitude, low hieght

Thermal Self-focusing instability in the high-latitude ionosphere

Interaction between the Polar Ionosphere and Thermosphere

Polarization of Auroral Radio Emissions

Behavior of linear beam-plasma instabilities in the presence of finite amplitude circularly polarized waves

Wave intensifications near the electron cyclotron frequency within the polar cusp

Amplification of electrostatic ion-cyclotron waves in a plasma with magnetic-field-aligned ion flow shear and no electron current

Structure and dynamics of the Earth's polar ionosphere: recent results inferred from incoherent scatter sounders

Power absorption of high-frequency electromagnetic waves in a partially ionized magnetized plasma

The electron cyclotron instability and high-frequency ionization on a beam-plasma experiment

Wave propagation across ion cyclotron resonance harmonic layers

Polar Cusp

Polar Scientists Find UNexpected Energetic Ions in the Earth's Magnetic Cusp

The kinetic shell model of coronal heating and acceleration by ion cyclotron waves 1,2 & 3

On ion-cyclotron-resonance heating of the corona and solar wind

Ionospheric ion upwelling in the wake of flux transfer events at the dayside magnetopause

Simultaneous EISCAT Svalbard radar and DMSP observations of ion upflow in the dayside polar ionosphere

The cusp and the cleft/boundary layer: Low-altitude identification and statistical local time variation

Ion outflow and associated perpendicular heating in the cusp observed by Interball Auroral Probe and Fast Auroral Snapshot

Particle Acceleration and Wave Phenomena in the Auroral Region

Wave particle interactions in the high-altitude polar cusp: a Cluster case study

Polar observations of electron density distributions in the Earth's magnetosphere

Latitudinal variation of the electron density over the northern polar cusp from RPI/IMAGE observations


Investigation of Electronegativity in RF Xe/SF_6 Inductively Coupled Plasma using a Langmuir probe

Resonances in collisions of low-energy electrons with ozone: Experimental elastic and vibrationally inelastic differential cross sections and dissociative attachment spectra

A scaling analysis of ozone photochemistry

Electronegativity of low-pressure high-density oxygen discharges

Observations of mesospheric ozone depletion during the October 28, 2003 solar proton event by OSIRIS

Stratospheric effects of energetic particle precipitation in 2003-2004

Gigantic solar storms slash ozone levels

A search of UARS data for ozone depletions caused by the highly relativistic electron precipitation events of May 1992

Mesospheric constituent variations during electron precipitation events

Mesospheric ozone depletion due to energetic electron precipitation at the South Atlantic magnetic anomaly

Energetic Radiation Belt Electron Precipitation: A natural Depletion mechanism for Stratospheric ozone

NASA Ozone Resource Page

NASA - Aura Sheds New Light on Air Quality and the Ozone Hole

Broadcast History

How does this relate to broadcast history?

Gravity Maps and the Sohern Current

US/UK World Magnetic Chart

Discover Magazine March 2007, Gravity Maps

Start of Television Services, External Radio Broadcasting, UK radio licences, UK television licences

VHF & UHF Frequency Allocation

History of Radio

Building the Broadcast Band

100 Years of radio broadcasting

What ever happened to Channel 1?

FM broadcasting 

AM Broadcasting

Extended AM broadcast band


Earliest FM Radio Stations

The Most Powerful FM Stations

Radio Highlights and Headlines: 1946

Commercial Television Stations in the U.S. as of Mar. 1, 1947


Ionospheric irregularities due to powerful HF radio transmissions

Considering the Service zone of a powerful transmitter broadcasting in kilometric waves

Diagnosis of ionospheric radiowave propagation conditions via monitoring of shortwave broadcast signals

Voice of Russia

Warsaw radio mast

Allouis longwave transmitter

Taldom transmitter

Transmitter Roumoules

Roumoules broadcast coverage maps

Radio Monte Carlo



KTGF broadcast coverage maps from FCC 


HF Propagation Tutorial



Diagram of LORAN_ C transmitters around gravity anomoly Gillette Wyoming mast

LORAN-C Chain United States coverage map

Lower ionospheric sounding by the use of Loran-C Signals

Simultaneous measurments of intensities and phase of Loran-C waves


Is Wyoming’s Tallest Structure a Dormitory or a Coast Guard Tower Aimed at Helping Great Lakes Navigation?

Tower outside Gillette sets Wyo record

Frequency Standards: Loran-C

Very  Low Frrequency (VLF) Stations http.//


The LORAN Chains in WWII

Auroral Electrojet Research Studies

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The main book contains the bulk of all the research done, it contains many abstracts and full reports as well as scientific experiments and resource information. There is a brief edition that only has the abstracts and first page of the full reports. The Tall Tower Report became a report of it's own separate from the main book. It contains observations I have made from NASA's OMI satellite readings of global NO2 including FCC technical Specs as well as transmitter coverage maps.

I don't come to serious conclusions like this easily and it has been my driving desire to attain an accurate and reasonable picture of what has been occurring through extensive research and cross referencing. It has been so difficult for scientists because the process spans so many fields and each field is focused only on what it can understand. But because the topic of climate change is such a hot topic everybody is presenting their best information online. With an unbiased approach I used all the best research as pieces of a puzzle and found how they all fit together. The fact that I could see some connection in the temperature graph allowed me extra insight to this most complex question.

1909        The temperature started its first apparent rise with the first regular AM broadcast. 

1917 -19     Here on the temperature graph there is a flat line, during this time the government shut down nearly all AM broadcast because of WWI.

1920 - 25    After war restrictions were lifted the first radio broadcast boom occurred the temperature quickly began to climb.

1946/47      As television broadcast boomed there was a massive drop in global temperature that flattened out in 1951. 

1973   It wasn't until FM radio began to overtake AM that the temperature began its final and current rise. there a connection?
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